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Holiday Luncheon/End of Year Meeting

  • December 06, 2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Inn Between



Greater Camillus Chamber of Commerce Holiday Luncheon and End of Year Meeting

Location: The Inn Between- 2290 West Genesee Turnpike, Camillus, NY 

Date: Friday December 6th, 2024

Time: Cocktails and Voting at 11:30

Lunch will be served at 12pm

Menu: Mixed Green Salad with Fresh Fruit, Victoria Almonds, Honey & Poppy dressing. Stuffed Breast of Chicken, Apple & Cranberry Stuffing, Supreme Sauce, Chefs Potato and Vegetable. Coffee & Peppermint Ice Cream to follow for dessert. 

$40 per guest includes Soft drinks. Cash Bar available. 

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